Thursday 14 January 2010

Grand Circle Tour of the Canyons - 2

Day Three - Zion National Park, Utah - Sun

After my nightmare journey to get to Zion, with locking the keys in the car I made it to the park, paid the $25 entrance fee,and as it’s out of season people can drive through the park rather than take the normal shuttle buses. So I drove the short scenic route to the riverside walk, which was an easy stroll at the bottom of the canyon. It was very pretty, with icicles - this is the desert, it shouldn’t be so cold.
Then a drive further into the canyon to the route out, which is part of the park, I saw elk, wild turkeys, bighorn sheep - which look more like goats - jays and amazing rock formations, tunnels, switchbacks and was all rather cool.
After Zion, I was in search of a place to stay closer to the next canyon - Bryce. But I decided upon a scenic drive around the area before finding a motel. There was some spectacular views, as the advertising hoardings advised me there would be and I did have my camera ready, even got out the car (with the keys in hand) to take a photo of the buffalo. Didn’t stop for the ostrich or llamas though. Unfortunately my scenic drive was cut short due to snow! I had to turn around as the going was too tough and I had no idea if the car had winter tyres or how much worse the conditions would get. This is one area where I understand why virtually everyone drives a 4x4 and this was the first proper snow of the year and apparently it was quite ‘light’, the winds blowing it across the road really didn’t help though.
I wrote this in my motel room in Panguitch where severe weather warnings were in place for the next few days, where 10 inches of snow were predicted. So I didn’t know how long I might be stuck there and if I could even get to the other canyons…

Day Four: Panguitch to Kingman - Mon

It was meant to be Bryce Canyon, but when I woke up the snow was falling and was only going to get worse. So I spoke with the receptionist of the motel and the guy in the gas station and the consensus was to try and out run the storm or I’d be stuck in Panguitch for maybe 2 or 3 more days. The gas station man said if I could make it to Kanab, 60 miles away, then I’d be OK as it’s at a lower altitude. So no Bryce canyon and a terrifying drive through the snow, I probably annoyed many SUV drivers by the speed I was going, or lack of it, but better to be safe than sorry. Some parts of the road seemed to be very empty and my phone had no reception so I was rather nervous. But I made it, just, I did slide once in a town, but it was only minor and I got to Kanab, once there the weather did improve, to sleet, then rain. 
Once in safety I then had two options to get to the Grand Canyon, I started driving along one road and saw the weather ahead wasn’t looking too good so I turned around. 
The other route was much better, though the snow started falling again, but didn’t stick too much to the road. To get to the GC I had to go back via Vegas and then south and east. The rain was heavy, but luckily no more snow, I even managed to go over the Hoover Dam, which I wasn’t expecting, but I’ll be going back the same way so will stop properly that time.
I was now in another motel, with it raining heavily outside, with the severe weather warning still in place, but in an area where only, at most, 10 inches of snow are predicted, whereas where I was before it was 4 foot of snow. So feeling slightly safer and at least closer to Vegas if all goes bad.

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